Thursday, December 25, 2008

To think I thought my life was boring

So when I started this blog last night I didn't think I would have much to put on here. I was wrong. So for Christmas for as long as i can remember we've always woken up pretty early, and this year we were getting up at 745 which is late for us. But NO I woke up at 530 with a horrible pain in my upper abdomen that went all the way to my back. I got up went to the bathroom that didn't help so at 6 I went and woke mom up and was like mom I have a horrible pain I don't know what's wrong. So she got up and got her medical books up and started looking through them. She came to the conclusion that it probably had something to do with my gallbladder and was like we should go to the ER. So we talked and decided to wake everyone up and open presents at 630 then we would go. so that's what we did. well they did i sat on the couch almost curled in a ball wanting to cry. so at 7 my mom took me to the ER. We ended up being there for 4 hours. They put an IV in took some blood I got to pee in a cup and got an ultra sound done. they tried to get me to swallow some medication to help for the pain and nausea but I ended up throwing it up as soon as I got it down. So they gave me meds through my IV instead. So after the Ultra sound they doctor came in and was like you have a gallstone and you need surgery, but we're going to put you on some meds and send you home. then you can call the surgeon and set up an appointment later. I was thinking what the heck?? if i need surgery just do it i don't like being in pain. They sent me home and as soon as i got home I crashed due to the pain meds. which was nice to actually be able to sleep since i wasn't in pain. So I have to call the Surgeon tomorrow and find out when I can get into surgery. So if I don't seem like myself it's probably because I'm either in pain or I'm on pain killers.

Merry Christmas everyone!!!

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