Monday, February 14, 2011

Singles Awareness Day

I really HATE today. Valentine's Day has never been good to me. Elementary school I would only get the valentines required to be given to the whole class. Middle school I got nothing, High school was everyone all dating and being gross, and even now in my 20's it's still one of the most depressing days of the year for me.
I was actually kinda excited for today not going to lie. I had plans to meet up with 3 different guys and guess what they ALL bailed. One has bronchitis so he has a pass. I don't want to get sick again I've already had that once this year. One is studying for an accounting test which I can't really blame him it's what he's going to school for and he's stuggling with it but still it's sucks that he bailed. He's one of my best guy friends and I haven't talked to him much and I miss him. and the third guy didn't show up didn't give any notice at all that he wasn't going to show up.

I really hate Valentine's Day. It is diffently SINGLE AWARENESS DAY..... because it makes everyone very aware who's single. Please gag me to all those people who are mushy and lovie dovie it's gross and makes me want to stab people......

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Stregthen Me

He hears you when you’re crying in the night
He hears you when your soul longs to find
Till the morning will come And the light of the dawn reassures
That in the moments when no earthly words can take away your sorrow
And no human eyes could see what you’re going through
When you’ve taken your last step and done all that you can do
He will lift your heavy load and carry you