What is it about me that if you ask me to be a bridesmaid in your wedding something I do without knowingly doing it upsets you, you get mad, kick me out of your wedding, and we are no longer friends???????? Seriously this has happened to me twice now. I don't know what it is but apparently I'm not a good bridesmaid. I honestly don't know why I was kicked out of the first wedding she didn't tell me she just did and then deleted me from everything then told me we were never friends. Now tonight i get kicked out of another one. This time being best friends with the girl SINCE KINDERGARTEN!! seroiusly how the heck am i taking over your wedding when we haven't done anything to do with it in over a month. you can't ask me for my honest opinion then get mad at me about it and stop being my friend. what kind of person does this sort of thing??? i hate so much how people change when they start dating and or get in engaged. why am i the one to be treated like crap. this has happend with all my friends so far i go invisible and when i'm not invisible i'm being treated lower then dirt. I'm sick of it i really am!! i want to seriously go jump off a cliff or cut my wrists or something..... i hate my life i hate it i hate it i hate it!!!!! I hate feeling like i have no friends feeling like i'm invisible to the world honestly would anyone even noticed if i disappeared?? my guess is a big fat NO!
So if you no longer want to be friends with me just ask me to be a bridesmaid apparently cuz before the wedding even happens we'll no longer be friends.....
ps don't worry i'm not actually going to hurt myself even though it sounds like a really good idea right now.