Tuesday, December 1, 2009


This is Kelsie Day!! She's one of my best friends and just got home from her mission. I missed her a lot while she was gone for 18 months but I'm soo happy that she went and served the Lord. Kelsie is amazing and has helped me through lots of things! I'm thankful to have her in my life as one of my best friends!! Thanks Kelsie for all you do for me!!!!


This is Ryan Robinson! He's a great friend and an amazing basketball player. I miss watching him play ball while he's been at school for the summer fall track at BYU-I. He's also an amazing artist! Here is a a sample of some of the pictures he drew!Can't wait for Christmas break for him to come home!

Friday, November 20, 2009

November Update!

I love November!! It's my favorite month of the year!!! It's not just because my birthday is this month but I love how we have Thanksgiving and get to eat our lives a way :) I love how the leafs turn crunchy and I go slightly out of my way to step on a leaf that looks cruncher then other ones that are on my path. This year it is especially exciting!! My best friend Kelsie came home from her mission on November 19th!! YAY!!! I love her she's almost my other half! We're so similar in so many different ways! I'm way excited to catch up with her in the next few days/months to catch up her and find out how the mission went.

I'm also way excited because my sister is coming home from Japan for the first time in 2 years. It'll be nice to have my sister back for a couple weeks. Can you say SHOPPING?!?!?! LOL it'll be fun I miss having a shopping buddy that understands my sense of humor.

Oh yeah! You can't forget that NEW MOON came out today in theaters!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHH I wish I could have gone to the midnight premier, but alas I've deceided to wait and go with my mom and sister either on my birthday or the day after. We'll see which one happens. I can't wait to see it!!! hmm team Jacob or team Edward???? I'm normally team Edward but I think for this movie I'm team Jacob!!! So hot!!!!!!!!! :D

Now for the things I'm thankful for.... I'm thankful for my family and friends who support me and love me. I'm thankful to have a warm home to live in. I'm thankful to have food on the table to eat. I'm thankful to have a car that I can drive whenever I want and wherever I want. I'm thankful to have a job, even if the hours are few I'm thankful for it non the less. I'm thankful to have the church in my life. It's helped me in so many different ways. I'm thankful for the callings I have in the church. They help me grow and help me be responsible. I'm thankful for the fall colors, and the smell of fall. I'm thankful for the sound of sleigh bells. It's one of my favorite sounds in the whole world!! They always make me smile. I'm thankful for so many things this list to go on and on and on, but I won't :)

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving everyone!!!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Linder Farms

At the moment I'm working two jobs. I'm still at Fashion Bug, but I'm also working at Linder Farms! It's a lot of fun. I'm working in the kitchen cooking food but the farm is amazing! We have lots of things for people to do. We have a 15 acre pumpkin patch, a 15 acre corn maze, straw bale maze, concessions, astro and inflatable jumps, petting zoo, pumpkin sling shot, barrel train rides, free hay rides, pony rides, and a swing for little kids.

I love working out there! It's a lot of fun and I'm excited to have a second job even for just a month and a half. So if any of you are bored and have a little bit extra spending cash come out to linder farms and do the corn maze. it's $8 dollars for adults $5 for kids 4-11 and kids 3 and under are free. If you mention the internet special you adults in for half price. We also have a haunted maze this year which is an extra $5 but it's worth it!!! So come visit me and go through the A-MAZE-ING BRONCOS MAZE!!! Part of the proceeds will be donated to the BSU scholarship fund also!!!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

I colored my hair again!

So I was tired of being blond! So I colored my hair again it's closer to my natural color again and I absolutely love it!!! I even curled it for the first time in a long time on Sunday! I'm soo happy everyone really likes it!!

Monday, June 29, 2009

Mechanical Bull

So I rode a mechanical bull this weekend for the first time! it was a lot of fun! I will do it again for sure!! Even if it made me really sore!!

Sunday, June 28, 2009


Ok it's not really camping it was at a cabin but I went on the branch overnighter this weekend and had a ton of fun!!! I took lots of photos like 160 something!! lets just say it was amazing and wonderful to get so close to nature!! here are a few of my favorite photos!! Scenery photos and a couple of me and the bruise i got from shooting a shot gun and not holding it right! opps! :)

Friday, May 29, 2009

Summer is here which means......

IT'S SAND VOLLEYBALL, TENNIS, AND ULITMATE FRISBEE SEASON!!! YAY!!! I'm pretty much super excited about these three sports! Is it sad that when I think of summer I think of pretty much only these things? I count the days down till sand volleyball starts.... I'm not even kidding I count down the days till school ends and the day finals are over we start playing!!! lol!! but yeah I just thought I would share with you how extreamly excited I am that it's summer!!!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Grace of God

I received this in an email and really liked it!

The only survivor of a shipwreck was washed up on a small, uninhabited island. He prayed feverishly for God to rescue him. Every day he scanned the horizon for help, but none seemed forthcoming.. Exhausted, he eventually managed to build a little hut out of drift wood to protect him from the elements, and to store his few possessions. One day, after scavenging for food, he arrived home to find his little hut in flames, with smoke rolling up to the sky. He felt the worst had happened, and everything was lost. He was stunned with disbelief, grief, and anger. He cried out, 'God! How could you do this to me?' Early the next day, he was awakened by the sound of a ship approaching the island! It had come to rescue him! 'How did you know I was here?' asked the weary man of his rescuers. 'We saw your smoke signal,' they replied.

The Moral of This Story: It's easy to get discouraged when things are going bad, but we shouldn't lose heart, because God is at work in our lives, even in the midst of our pain and suffering. Remember that the next time your little hut seems to be burning to the ground. It just may be a smoke signal that summons the Grace of God.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Sock Hop!

There was an multi-stake YSA activity this weekend and it was a sock hop! Everyone was suppose to wear crazy socks! So I went to Fred Myer's and bought this bright rainbow socks that go above the knee! They were awesome and I had an amazing time and even got asked to slow dance!! Wahoo!! yay! Here are a couple pictures of my outfit that I wore and a close up on the back of my hair!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Valentines Day!

So I just wanted to share this story with everyone that happened on Valentine's Day! I worked during the morning and after work I went over to watch basketball over at the church. While I was over there a guy named Cody came to my house and dropped a cookie off at my house that had a rose and my name on it. I don't know any Cody's and I was really confused when my mom told me that he said it was from the branch. Apparently I'm not the only one in the branch that recieved a cookie from the mysterious guy. He is actually a friend of one of the guys in the branch who wanted to do something nice for the sisters, but not let people know who it was! So I just wanted to say thanks and it made Singles Awareness Day a little more bareable :-D

Monday, February 16, 2009

Laid Off and Not Happy

So I got a lovely phone call this morning that woke me up. Ok so it's not that lovely. my part of the conversations will be in parenthsies My new boss at Weed Man called and was like so I was looking over stastics and it's nothing against you we really like your personality, and how out going you are and your fun to be around, but your numbers aren't just good enough. (ok?) We can't afford to have someone on that isnt' getting sales. We were going to be done calling in a couple weeks any way so we are letting you off early. Again it's nothing against you, (uh huh) it's just you can't get the sales. I hope you can find another job but I wouldn't go for one that has to do with sales over the phone. and don't bother coming in, we'll send you your final paycheck. Bye (ok thanks for calling)

WHAT THE HECK?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Ok yes my numbers weren't that great but how are you suppose to have good numbers when 98% of the people you call DON'T ANSWER????? Seriously what am I suppose to do? I can't make people answer the phone, and i can't get sales if people don't answer.

So to say the least I'm not a happy camper right now. The reason I got this second job is because Fashion Bug keeps cutting hours. I honestly have no idea how I'm going to pay my bills, where i'm going to find another job, or anything like that. I'm stressing out like none other and I'm very worried on what is going to happen. If anyone has any suggestion on where to find work please let me know!!!!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

New Job!

I got another job! I'm actually pretty excited about it! It's at Weed Man Lawn Care. I'm a telemarketer for them. I call old customers and ask them if they'd like to sign up for our 6 application services again. It consists of 4 granular slow release fertilizers, 2 weed controls and a free mid summer inspection. It's fully guaranteed to work or we'll come out and reapply it for free or give you your money back. It's pretty sweet! So far I've had one sell in the week and half I've worked there. So yeah it's pretty sweet! So I work there Monday-Thursday nights 530-830 and Saturday mornings 930-130. Not too bad, and I'm able to still work at Fashion Bug too!! I get better pay more hours and commission! SWEET!! So that's the update on my life!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


So in my last blog I told you all that I spent Christmas in the hospital. Here's what has happened since. The day after Christmas I woke up and was in some pain so I took some meds and ate some food so the meds wouldn't make me sick. My mom tried calling the surgeons office but they weren't answering due to the holidays so she was at work and she told some of her doctor friends about what was happening with me. One of the doctors saw the surgeon my mom was trying to get a hold of in the doctors lounge and told him what was going on. He then looked at my ultra sound called my mom talked to her then she called me/my dad and talked to us and told me to stop eating and drinking and to get to the hospital as soon as possible for surgery.

So I got ready and headed to the hospital. Checked in and went to my room and the nurse tried to put an IV in she got it in and it wouldn't bleed right so she took it out and it started bleeding. haha go figure so she then tried again and was able to put it in my hand. So they took some more blood work and prepping me for surgery. So I hung out in the room for a while before they took me down to the OR. When they did take me down the the OR they put my in the prep room first so i could meet the doctor and he could tell me what he was going to do and i could sign papers and stuff like that. That was actually the scariest part of the whole ordeal. There were other people in there recovering from the surgeries already and they were moaning and groaning in pain and yeah it kind of freaked me out. so I was trying to relax while waiting for the Dr. Giles to show up and the nurse checks my IV come to find out the nurse put the wrong size of IV in my hand. they put a 22 in when they usually put a 20 or 18 so they tried sticking me again. They couldn't get it, and was about to try again when the anesthesiologist came and said not to they'd do it once i'm under because my veins will be more dilated. So Dr. Giles came in and we talked then they took me to the OR, and the last thing I remember till after the surgery is breathing deep. Apparently during my surgery they had to try 6 more times to get an IV in. I have bruises on my arms and hands from where they tried. So after the surgery when I first came to it startled me I didn't know where I was or what happened for a bit.

After my surgery Dr. Giles went and talked to my parents about how it went. Everything went fine, but they did find some odd things. For one my gallbladder was really swollen due to the 10 mm by 13mm gallstone blocking the duct so no bile could get into my gallbladder but the mucus that the gallbladder produces that mixes with the bile was building up and making it swollen. So that wasn't good and then they also found some other odd things that I need to go to a different doctor to have checked out. So yeah surgery went fine they made 4 small incisions one in my bellybutton where the scar won't be seen which is nice then three incisions on my upper abdomen. It's actually pretty cool!

After my surgery they took me back up to my room where my parents were waiting. They gave me some more pain killers and I went to sleep for a while. I didn't get much sleep through the night due to them coming in and constantly checking my blood pressure and seeing how my pain was. The funny part was when ever they came in to check on my pain I was fine but when I was in pain I had to page them. oh well! So they had my on an all liquid diet for my breakfast just to make sure i could keep things down since the day before i was throwing up. That was fine so I was able to have a normal meal for lunch. I actually spent the pretty much the whole day Saturday the 27 in the hospital waiting for the doctor to come and check on me and give me the ok to go home. I was hurting that day a lot. I can honestly say I really don't care for surgery all that much. :)

So Dr. Giles told me that I need to not just lay around all day and wait to get better. I need to be up walking around that's the only way I'm going to get better. So that's exactly what I tried to do. They gave me some really strong Vicodin that when i took it made me really tired. So when I could I would get up and walk around. So Sunday I mostly laid around with ice, watched tv/movies, and played my computer. by the end of the day i was wanting to get out of the house and do something. I hate being laid up I can't do it. I couldn't stay home for even a day. Yes I did leave the house Sunday night and I drove myself while on pain meds. Yeah I know know the smartest thing but I didn't go very far just a couple miles away to branch prayer. It was nice to see my friends and let them know that I had surgery. Yes I was a slacker and didn't tell anyone. I didn't want them to worry about me. So monday I did the same thing as sunday laid around most of the day went shopping with Bryn then went and watched Caleb play basketball which I due every monday. So yeah I'm recovering well probably should have rested a bit more but I'm doing well I went to the Institute New Years Eve party, and went back to work New Years day 6 days after my surgery. and yeah. I'm doing great a week after my surgery I wasn't on pain meds any more the strongest thing I've taken since New Years Day is an Ibuprofen, so I'm doing good, and I'm going to play volleyball this saturday! WAHOO!!!! I almost played last saturday but decided to give myself a couple of weeks before doing that.

Well you are all caught up on my life hopefully I won't have any more major sickness sort of things to talk about on this! Have a great New Year Everyone!